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Field hospital of the University Stadium of Lisbon activated

The Emergency Hospital Structure, installed in March of 2020 at the University Stadium of Lisbon (EUL), has now been activated to receive Covid patients.

Hospital de Campanha

This structure is a result of the cooperation between the Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon City Council, Armed Forces General Staff, Regional Health Administration of Lisboa e Vale do Tejo and the Lisbon hospital centres who partnered to set up this field hospital in EULisboa’s pavilions. 

The entry into operation of this unit follows the saturation of the capacity in Lisboa e Vale do Tejo hospitals.

The structure installed in Pavilion 3 was reactivated and has a capacity of around 60 beds. It has an emergency room, six nursing wards and a control desk for professionals, supported by wireless computer equipment for monitoring each patient, where clinical operations will be centralised. 

The logistics inherent to the use of this structure relies upon medical and nursing clinical support as well as operational and administrative support, adjusted to its capacity.

This field hospital is exclusively for patients infected with COVID-19 and will be able to receive patients from the three major Lisbon hospital centres and other hospitals in the metropolitan area.


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