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COVID-19 Informações ULisboa

Covid-19 | Informations

On this website you will find updated information on the mediated and guidelines in force at ULisboa, resulting from the current state of emergency of Public Health, declared by the World Health Organization and taking into account the latest developments in the spread of infection by respiratory disease caused by the agent Coronavirus SARS -CoV-2.


Serviços Centrais
Given the evolution of the COVID-19 virus spread, the recommendations from the national and international health authorities and the ULisboa contingency plan, personal service is scheduled by prior appointment.
Take Away
Following the measures taken by the University of Lisbon, regarding the recommendations currently underway in the country to contain the spread of the COVID-19 we inform all users that an exclusive Take-Away service is concentrated in the Cantina Velha Building.
Share Social Action Services | Take Away
ULisboa asks for the donation of protective material and books, to support the state of emergency upon the COVID-19 outbreak, within the field hospital build in the University Stadium of Lisbon.
Share ULisboa – Fundraising of protective material and books for the field hospital of Lisbon
tempos livres
Lançámos o desafio à nossa comunidade do Instagram para sabermos o que fazem nos tempos livres em casa, durante a quarentena.
Share Desafio Instagram | O que fazes nos tempos livres em casa?
estudar em casa
Lançámos o desafio à nossa comunidade do Instagram para sabermos quais são as melhores dicas para estudar #emcasa.
Share Desafio Instagram | Dicas para estudar #emcasa
Serviços Centrais
Given the evolution of the COVID-19 virus spread, the recommendations from the national and international health authorities and the ULisboa contingency plan, personal service is suspended.
Share University Administration | Closing
Lançámos o desafio à nossa comunidade do Instagram para sabermos quais são os melhores pratos para preparar em casa durante esta quarentena.
Share Desafio Instagram | Os melhores pratos para preparar em casa
Universidade de Lisboa’ School of Agriculture (ISA) has appeal to its community to donate medical supplies, such as alcohol, gloves and masks, for the Portuguese Health Service.
Share Everybody can help
“Vizinho e Cãopanhia”: AEFMV cria plataforma de voluntariado de pet walking
The Students Association of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidade de Lisboa. (AEFMV), with the support of the Faculty has created the volunteering platform “Vizinho e Cãopanhia”. (Neighbour and Pet dog"
Share “Vizinho e Cãopanhia”: AEFMV creates Pet Walking volunteering  platform
Testes de despistagem à COVID-19 na Faculdade de Ciências
The ULisboa’s Faculty of Sciences a will create a COVID-19 testing centre on campus.
Share COVID-19 Screening Tests in Faculty of Sciences
The IMM from ULisboa’as Faculty of Medicine has found a solution to the shortage of diagnostic tests to the new coronavirus in Portugal.
Share ULisboa’ Molecular Medicine Institute  (IMM) from Faculty of Medicine develops nationally produced tests
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa preparou desinfetante para combater COVID-19 e prepara Desinfetante para o Hospital de Campanha
ULisboa’s Faculty of Pharmacy along with the Military Laboratory of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products (LMPQF), validates disinfectants and alcohol-based gel / hand sanitizer production for hospitals.
Share Faculty of Pharmacy from Universidade de Lisboa produces disinfectant to fight/to prevent COVID-19