fbpx Maria Dulce Pedroso Domingos | ULisboa

Maria Dulce Pedroso Domingos

Dulce Domingos
Faculty of Sciences
Job / Role 
Ocupational classification 
Assistant Professor
Doctoral Degree 
Biographical Note 

Dulce Domingos graduated from ULisboa’s Faculty of Sciences in the field of Informatics. She got her Master’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from ULisboa’s IST – Técnico Lisboa, and went back to the Faculty of Sciences for her Doctorate in Informatics.
Dulce Domingos is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics at ULisboa’s Faculty of Sciences and a researcher at the LaSIGE (Large Scale Computer Systems Laboratory).
Her research is mainly dedicated to security, the internet of things and business processes.
The Professor also coordinates the Master’s Degree in Security Informatics at ULisboa’s Faculty of Sciences.
Dulce Domingos is the principal investigator of the doit research project – Decentralization and Optimization of IoT aware business processes – financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, and she is also responsible, at a national level, for the ParIS project – Partnership in Information Secutiry, financed by the European Comission’s Erasmus+ Programme.