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Promoting Healthy Schools: Intervention with students, teachers and parents

Promoting Healthy Schools: Intervention with students, teachers and parents

Education, Formation
Update / Requalification
Unidade Orgânica 
Faculty of Psychology
Cidade Universitária
Professor Responsável 
Ana Margarida Veiga Simão
Alexandra Marques Pinto
2 semestres
Ano / Semestre 
  • 2022/2023
  • 2º Semestre
Promotion of knowledge, assessment and preventive/promotional intervention skills with students, teachers and parents in the area of health/well-being 

The pertinence of the course is linked to the historical-social relevance of psychological health and well-being and to the role of Healthy Schools in the implementation of actions for their promotion. The course aims at the personal and professional development and effectiveness of psychologists, which intervene in the school context and in the community, in the scientific, technical and deontological domains. The objectives of the course are to help the participating psychologists to: (1) understand the School's needs, challenges and resources in the areas of students, teachers and parents’ psychological health promotion; (2) develop their self-knowledge, reflection and self-regulation as professionals with the potential to intervene in those areas in a school context; (3) update and deepen theoretical knowledge on psychological health promotion in light of different comprehensive models; (4) develop and improve skills in psychoeducational, preventive and promotional assessment and intervention in the area of psychological health aimed at students, teachers and parents; (5) increase their collaboration with other educational agents (e.g., teachers) from a perspective of integrating knowledge and practices, for the development of intervention in these areas. The course lasts for one academic year, covering a total of six curricular units, corresponding to 60 ECTS.

