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University Stadium | Suspension of sport activities

Following the measures taken by Universidade de Lisboa, regarding the contention of the infection by COVID-19, we inform all users that it is the general public that the EUL is closed.

Estádio Universitário

Taking into account Decree No. 2A / 2020 of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, of March 20, published in the Diário da República, 1st series, No. 57, of March 20, 2020, we inform all users of the Stadium Universitário de Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, and the population in general, which is prohibited access and public circulation inside the Sports Complex (s) of the Estádio Universitário de Lisboa, located in the Campus of the Cidade Universitária and in the Ajuda Campus, including parks and outdoor leisure areas, namely the race tracks, cycle tracks and maintenance circuit, with all access gates closed.

We also inform that workers and entities duly authorized are only allowed access and circulation inside EULisboa, in strict compliance with the aforementioned diploma.

More informations


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