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Medidas de Proteção na ULisboa

Guidance and Measures

As a measure to contain the COVID-19 spread, the Rector of the University has already issued guidance to the academic community in an official report sent on the 3rd of March of 2020, which are being updated in the present document and as the situation develops.

The following measures are being taken:

Cancellation or postponement of travelling, specially to regions where active transmission of the COVID-19 exists in the community, being given priority to long-distance work facilities. 

  • The non-execution of scientific or other face-to-face reunions which, due to the involvement or high accumulation of international participants, may constitute a risk of spread.
  • The postponement of international congresses, whenever possible, expected for the ULisboa and the non-participation of the Ulisboa community members in similar reunions;
  • ULisboa visitors and members of the community who have been to places where there is active transmission of the new coronavirus, must respect a 14 day period of quarantine and:
  • Be watchful to the emergence of fever, coughing or difficulty breathing;
  • Check whether anyone whom you have had close contact with has developed any of the symptoms (fever, coughing or difficulty breathing);
  • If any of the mentioned symptoms appear (in yourself or any of your close contacts), do not go immediately to health services. Instead, call the health line SNS24 (808 24 24 24), follow the given advice and inform your School’s board , SCUL or SAS, according to the case.
  • Inform your School or Workplace of your situation at the beginning of the quarantine period.