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Universidade de Lisboa hosts field hospital to respond to COVID-19 pandemic

The Universidade de Lisboa and Lisbon’s City Council, in association with other entities, have joined forces to set up a field hospital at the University Stadium of Lisbon (EUL), with capacity for 500 beds.

Hospital de campanha no Estádio Universitário

The goal is to receive patients in the current phase of COVID-19 spread, according to clinical criteria to be adopted by the hospitals of Lisbon, taking advantage of the geographical proximity to Santa Maria Hospital.

The Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa states that it was indispensable to make the University Stadium of Lisbon available to the country, since it has a privileged location to respond to the situation, allowing also the association of the Universidade de Lisboa Social Services in this initiative with the production of meals that may be necessary. All the University Stadium pavilions are now transformed into rearguard hospital support, having also been installed a tent with 1000m2 and several support tents for services, refectories and sanitary facilities.

The structure was set in a seven day period at University Stadium of Lisbon and stems from a joint initiative between the Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon’s City Council, the Portuguese Army, the Red Cross and three other hospital centres in the city, also having the support of the AIP Foundation, the Luso-Chinese Association of Traders and Industrialists, the Portuguese Hotels Association and the Portuguese SCJ (Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) who coordinated numerous donations of equipment to several religious institutions.


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