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Free COVID-19 screening programme for informal caregivers

The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidade de Lisboa and the National Association of Informal Caregivers (ANCI) intend to conduct weekly tests for four months.

Programa gratuito de rastreio à COVID-19 para cuidadores informais

The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidade de Lisboa, through its Testing Centre (CT), and in partnership with the National Association of Informal Caregivers (ANCI) will launch “Safe Families - Caring for Those Who Care” this month, a free regular COVID-19 screening programme for informal caregivers, people being cared for and their relatives in direct contact. This programme has the High Sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Republic.

The programme aims to reach 200 families nationwide, with 13 600 tests expected to be performed on around 800 people. The weekly tests over four months aim to detect cases of this disease within families, seeking to promote a timely medical and social response and prevent transmission within these highly vulnerable groups. Epidemiological and satisfaction questionnaires are also planned. Families are being identified by ANCI and other social partners, based on vulnerability and willingness to participate.

The main objective of “Safe Families - Caring for Those Who Care” is to protect informal caregivers, people being cared for and their relatives in direct contact, in an extraordinarily challenging period. The screening can be expanded to include more people and can last longer if the necessary financial support is obtained.


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