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Art Curation and Criticism

Art Curation and Criticism

MSc - Master Degree
Faculty of Fine Arts
Time period 
Day time
Data de Acreditação A3ES 
Prazo de Acreditação A3ES 
2 anos
Official Portuguese Code (DGES) Number 
R/A-Cr 66/2014
Official Portuguese Code (DGES) Registration Date 



With a theoretical basis, this master’s degree provides a broad and shared formation between the main domains of reflection and theorization of the contemporary artistic field, within the spirit of the Faculdade de Belas-Artes’ scientific area of Sciences of Art and Heritage, focusing on the actuality of traditional discourses on art (History of Art, especially Modern and Contemporary, Art Criticism, Aesthetics) and on the theoretical problems raised by the curatorship of contemporary art.
Offering a broader initial platform, mobilizing an articulated reflection of the theories of the visual arts in general, the master’s degree develops into a convergent structure directed to the following areas of expertise: Art Criticism, Artistic Curation, History of Art and Aesthetics.
The idea is to articulate the information of competences to areas of research that students can integrate. The course units, which define the courses internal branches of specialization, frame the contemporary modes of thinking and the mechanisms that involve the art system, especially the contemporary one. In this sense, curatorship is not only explored here in the more technical line of museography, but as an enabling content of multiple practices.


General objectives defined for the course:
Provide initial extended training in Science and Art Theories, developing it in an optional specification per semester that assumes in the dissertation one of the three branches based on the main course units.
To continue the licenciatura of Sciences of the Art and Heritage to theoretical interests of other areas of the Faculdade de Belas-Artes.
Parallel to the existing courses, Master in Museology and Master of Science in Conservation, Restoration and Production of Contemporary Art, present a wide master’s degree and specific branches, while developments of the first cycle training, in the scope of Art Criticism, Curatorship and Theories of Art.
Promote and develop research lines in Sciences of Art.
Prepare areas of work and research that may be developed in other courses (master’s and doctoral) in articulation with CIEBA (Center for Research and Studies in Fine Arts).

National Admission Exams 
Holders of the bachelor degree or legal equivalent in the field of Fine Arts, History and Theories of Art, Museology, as well as other artistic variations; Holders of foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State acceding to this process in the areas mentioned above; Holders of a foreign academic degree in the fields mentioned above which is recognized as meeting the objectives of a Licenciado degree by the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Fine Arts; Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Fine Arts as attesting the capacity to attend the study programme.
Fee – 1st year (indicative) 
Fee - remaining years (indicative) 

International Access

Fee - 1st year (indicative) 
Fee - remaining years (indicative) 