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Lisbon School of Architecture produces ergonomic medical face shields through 3D printing

Professor Pedro Januário and Rapid Prototyping Laboratory produce ergonomic and cost-effective medical face shields through 3D printing.

viseira fa

Protective medical face shields started to be produced at the Rapid Prototyping Laboratory (LPR) from the Faculty of Architecture in collaboration with Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and they will be donated to hospitals and healthcare professionals. From the drawing that was, originally, sent by IST, professor Pedro Januário from FA.Ulisboa readjusted the design, making it more adaptable, ergonomic and lightweight, in order to also save raw material.

The medical face shields are being produced by three 3D printers working simultaneously. When concluded the production, they will be sent to the Mechanical Department from IST, which distributes them by the healthcare units.

This new version was shared with the team that produced the original design and can be downloaded for home printing, so that those who have a 3D printer and want to be part of this project, can make their own medical face shields and donate them to healthcare professionals and hospitals.


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